Schedule, YIRA 2013, Investigatory Trip to Japan

 Trip Schedule

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– Fly from New York to Narita, get settled in Tokyo

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– Interview with Hatakeyama Yojiro(畠山陽二郎), Director of the Nuclear Energy Policy Division at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (経済産業省資源エネルギー庁原子力政策課課長)


– Interview with Motohisa Furukawa (古川元久), Former National Policy Minister and current Member of House of Representatives of Japan, Democratic Party of Japan (元国家戦略大臣、現在衆議院議員、民主党所属)

More information:

– Interview with Koichiro Genba(玄葉光一郎), Former Foreign Secretary and current Member of House of Representatives of Japan, Democratic Party of Japan (元外務大臣、現在衆議院議員、民主党所属)

More information:

– Interview with Kono Taro(玄葉光一郎), Current Member of House of Representatives of Japan, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan ( 衆議院議員、自由民主党所属)

More information:


Free day to explore Tokyo


-Ride the Shinkansen to Aomori, and the Seikan Tunnel Express into Hokkaido

-spend the evening in Hakodate


-Visit Hakodate Museum of Indigenous Peoples, speak with museum staff

-Ride the Super Limited Express from Hakodate to Sapporo

-spend evening in Sapporo


– Interview with members of the Hokkaido Ainu Association (北海道アイヌ協会)

More information: (日本語)

-Interview with reporter from Hokkaido News (北海道新聞)


-Free day in Sapporo, including visit to Museum of Hokkaido University, and the modern Ainu art exhibit at the Modern Ainu Art Museum of Sapporo


-Depart early to ride local trains and buses to Biratori and Nibutani(平取、二風谷) the Ainu heartland of the northern island

-visit the Nibutani Ainu Museum, learn basic Ainu

-Interview with Kayano Shiro (萱野志郎), founder and president of the Ainu Political Party(アイヌ民族党), and son of Ainu activist, literary authority, cultural leader, politician and first non-Japanese and Ainu member of House of Representatives Kayano Shigeru(萱野茂)

More information:萱野志朗 (日本語) (more detail in Japanese version)

-Receive tour of Kayane Shiro / Kayano Shigeru’s personal collection of rare Ainu artifacts

-Interviews with Hokkaido News, Nikkei News


-Visiting the Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies


-Interview with Prof. Teruki Tsunemoto(常本輝樹), Professor of Law and Director of the Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies (the only Ainu research center at a university), the academic authority on Ainu legal issues and rights, and Prof. Ken’ichi Ochiai (落合研一), Professor of Law and Ainu Law and Consitution

More information: (More information in Japanese version)

Enjoying our last night in Sapporo by eating a steamed crab cooked whole!


-Ride three super express trains all the way back to Tokyo

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